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Purchase Sidewatchers New Album

Their album Drive (released on Play-Yah Records) retains the old school rock and roll of Sidewatcher's EP Otra Vez I & II, while adding a garage kick with instrumentals such as "Raw-Hide" and "Wipe Out". Recorded in Los Angeles, Sidewatcher's Drive has a sound that cleverly mixes the surf of California with the garage rawness of Detroit.

Sidewatcher's music is a sweetheart with a switchblade. It's the teenage girl who was ditched at prom and now has blood in her eyes. Mixed with waves of garage surf, Sidewatcher's songs have a barbie punk/prom rock vibe that take you on a trip through sick love and manipulative alien boyfriends.


Sidewatcher was officially formed in December 2014 by the sibling duo of Zoë Kissel (guitar/vocals) and Dylan Kissel (bass/vocals), finally giving the longtime collaboration a name. Their creative efforts were joined by AJ Picciuto (drums/keyboards) in October 2015. All three members attended high school together in a suburb of Detroit.


Sidewatcher began as a psychedelic studio project but quickly evolved into a punkie live performance band. It's a continuous art project, serving as an outlet for the trio's musical works along with their DIYphonic creations. The band is very DIY driven, focusing their energy on creating their own artistic world.

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